Monday, March 30, 2009

Rishiji's Gyan Ganga

"Rishiji", I call him a Divine scanner. In his presence you have no choice but to be in the present moment. Let me share with you a few pearls of knowledge straight from the horse's mouth.

Maya is that which can be measured and Mahamaya is that which cannot be measured. You can't be always happy but you can choose to maintain your happiness for a longer period of time.Whenever you get attracted to somebody be rest assured that some day it will lead you to being unhappy. In Bhagvad Gita Krishna says that; 'You can blame the world for your physical discomfort but you alone are solely responsible for your mental discomfort.

Whenever you are in a relationship know that expectations reduces the joy in your life.If you are intention is to serve in such a relationship you can never be unhappy as opposed to a relationship wherein you always keep demanding to fulfill your own veted interests.

Decision Making
Rishiji says that you making a decision is right. There is nothing like a right or a wrong decision. Whenever you make a decision in order to look good in front of the soceity that's a shallow decison. On the other hand if your taking any decision because you fell good about it , such a decision has more value.
Feeling Good - Yogi/ Faith
Looking Good - Bhogi / Doubts in Mind

If you want to prove to the world that you are somebody you have made a fullproof plan to be miserable.Either you can be in love with perfection or in love with the perfect("Guruji"). In the former case there is a possiblity of expectation & anger to overpower the situation whereas in the latter case i.e. when you are already in love with the perfect automatically you imbibe all those qualities in you. If you are righteous you will easily get offensive. If you are looking out for some kind of happiness out there in the world then forget it, 4 sure you are not going to find it. And even if you do that would be temporory. Do you know, there are some people even the best of the best things you give them they fill still figure of a reason to blame and complain.

Assumption leads to aloofness. Respect is something that earn and not ask for. Anyone who demands respect is sure to get insulted. He would be a slave of victim conciousness.
Only when you keep yourself away from all such tendencies can you experience freedom in the real sense of term and life would then be no less than a true celebration.

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